
HTC boasting weight of 8X compared to 'the other Windows Phone'

Nokia, Samsung and HTC have poked fun at one another inside the Windows Phone ecosystem, but it has remained in the jester spirit - we're sure fifty-fifty Samsung must have smirked at Nokia's "Welcome dorsum to Windows Phone" stunt. But it seems information technology's HTC's turn again by highlighting the weight of the 8X compared to 'the other Windows Phone'. We all know which handset is being referred to.

What the Facebook photograph caption reads:

"Don't get weighed down. The HTC 8X is more than 20 pennies lighter than that 'other' Windows Telephone."

Officially, the weight readouts for both Windows Phones are as follows (with the iPhone 5, ATIV S and Milky way S3 to compare against - in society of summit, starting with the heaviest):

  • Lumia 920: 185g
  • ATIV S: 135g
  • Milky way S3: 133g
  • HTC 8X: 130g
  • iPhone 5: 112g

Both the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 are both considered extremely light, peculiarly the former. But the HTC 8X actually clocks in (according to specifications) at merely 3 grams lighter than the Android handset. Nosotros've as well added in the ATIV S as well, which is a super calorie-free 135 grams. We'll be the outset to state HTC'south Windows Telephone is extraordinarily low-cal and this is reflected in the list above, so Samsung's ATIV Southward will also prove to experience good in the hand and pocket.

But Nokia'due south Lumia 920, which enters the race at a beefy 185 grams, packs a punch - and what a punch that is. Wireless charging, PureView engineering science (with OIS), PureMotion Hd+ screen technology, also as other bits and pieces. The HTC 8X is no slouch though, with an actress amp, Beats Audio, and similar specifications regarding the CPU, RAM, storage and wireless communications. Permit's also non forget that Nokia is renown for building handsets that are able to survive a meteorite touch.

Information technology'll exist interesting to see how much weight wireless charging adds onto the Verizon HTC 8X. Only is weight anything to debate for? Definitely, should yous exist into the whole 'low-cal as a feather' business. If solid features are your thing, so there's definitely one Windows Phone 8 that sports absolutely everything.

Source: Facebook (HTC), via: WMPU, CMVLive


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